
Why donate?

‘Christian poverty is that I give of my own, and not of that which is left over. I give, even that which I need for myself, to the poor person, because I know that he enriches me. Why does the poor person enrich me? Because Jesus Himself told us that He is in the poor person.’ Pope Francis, June 2015.

Please support Caritas Social Action.

A donation will help us to make our nations places where every person can flourish in their families and communities, living with peace and human dignity, and where the voices of the poor and wounded are heard and acted upon.

With your support we can:

  • Enable our network of charities and dioceses to tackle poverty and build strong communities.
  • Develop new responses to local and national needs.
  • Address the causes of poverty and witness to the experience of those living in poverty.

Caritas Social Action Network’s national team receives no direct Government funding.

How to donate

We offer four ways to donate to Caritas Social Action:

  1. Online using the form above.
  2. By bank transfer to Caritas social-action: Sort Code 40-06-03, Account Number 81392816. Please mark the reference, ‘Donation’.
  3. Regular donation by Standing Order. To download a Standing Order form please click here (Word document).
  4. Through leaving a legacy in your will. Please see the Your Catholic Legacy website for more information.

Thank you for your support and interest. Any queries about donations, and requests for acknowledgment of bank transfers, may be sent by email to or by post to the address above.