CSAN is offering a new online course on Catholic Social Teaching for parishioners. The course is entitled, Catholic Social Teaching: an introduction and will be spread over five one-hour Zoom sessions on each Tuesday in Spring 2025, from 12 noon to 1.00 pm, on 04, 11, 18, 25 March, and 01 April.
The course is aimed at parishioners who are not so familiar with Catholic Social Teaching, or who would welcome a refresh. The course will be grounded in the reality of CSAN members and their work on the front line of poverty and exclusion, with inputs from member organisations.
The course fee is £95, which includes a copy of Raymond Friel’s book, Catholic Social Teaching: an introduction for schools, parishes and charities. Please let us have a postal address to send the book to before the course starts. To ensure you receive the book before the course starts, please register by 12 noon on Friday 14 February 2025.
Before each session, participants will be invited to read two chapters of Raymond’s book. Each session will have a teaching input from Raymond, followed by interactive discussion in break-out rooms to check learning and help with any question. In each session, there will be a ‘spotlight’ presentation from a CSAN member charity, making links between their work and Catholic Social Teaching.
On completion of the course each participant will receive a certificate of completion.
To register, please visit our Eventbrite page here.
For more information, please contact Bernadette at bernadette.durcan@csan.org.uk.