General Election Resources

We will update this page as we become aware of other General Election resources which may benefit the Catholic community in their discernment. If you would like to suggest a resource for us to signpost, please contact us at

Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has assembled a range of teaching resources of difference topics to guide the Catholic community in its discernment on how to vote for the common good. The resources can be found here:

Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) has published Do Justice: A Vision for Spiritual and Civic Renewal in England and Wales. This document might be a good place to begin your preparations for a Catholic response to the General Election, as a reminder of the Gospel-inspired principles which inform our reflections. The document and other Do Justice resources can be found here:

CAFOD and the St Vincent de Paul Society have produced a resource to help the Catholic community engage with their candidates in the election called, A Year of Encounter. You can find the resource here: with other CAFOD resources and here: with other SVP resources.

Centre for Catholic Social Thought and Practice, based at Durham University, has produced a range of resources for parishes and first-time voters. You can access the resources here:

Columban Missionaries in Britain’s Justice, Peace and Ecology team are inviting people to request extra copies of their latest “Vocation for Justice” magazine filled with thought-provoking content that they hope will be useful to Christians in preparation for the General Election on 4 July. You can order your copies here:

The Catholic Union of Great Britain, which has members of its team in Parliament, will be producing its election literature in due course. Visit their website for updates:

The Church of England is launching a campaign known as #PrayYourPart – to promote prayer and participation in the life of our nation and communities, both as voters and as citizens. A series of daily thematic reflections written by bishops, drawn from the Bible and exploring major themes will cover the final three weeks up to polling day. You’ll find more information here:

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland has produced a set of resources and links on the General Election, including a round-up of news from Christian churches, a local hustings search and other resources. For more information visit:

Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) of the Baptist Union of Great Britan, the Methodist Church and the United Reform Church, has produced a guide for praying and preaching in preparation for the General Election which you can find here:

Citizens UK. Many Catholic parishes and individuals are involved with Citizens UK. Their manifesto outlines eight areas that community leaders are calling on the next UK government to change. You can access the manifesto here:

Together for the Common Good have a series of podcasts that can help inform your thinking. They have also produced a General Election resource for schools which can be downloaded here: