The Impact of Asylum Hotels: A Case Study

The impact of residing in asylum hotels is detrimental to the mental and physical health of those residing there, with a disproportionate impact on children as they are without access to education, to other children their age, and without space to move around freely or to play in.

One of the most common complaints across accommodation sites is the lack of appropriate and nutritious food. The food provided is not suitable for the varied diets of the many people accommodated in any one site nor does it take into consideration their individual delicacies, preferences, or needs. This can be especially detrimental to pregnant women and new mothers, but also for the health and development of children.

Community groups have recognised this need and sought to address it in a manner of ways. One such community group is the Hitchin Pantry, which has deepened community bonds through its extension of support to those residing in asylum accommodation:  

Image: Bishop Paul McAleenan (CBCEW) at the Hitchin Pantry with Elizabeth Wills (Caritas Westminster), Credit: CBCEW Flickr